Title: Pretty Colors Characters: Chika, Satoshi Prompt: 42. Stained Glass Window Rating: G Summary: The colors are pretty. Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Class Differences Characters: Chika, Satoshi Prompt: 20. Lifestyles of the rich and famous Rating: G Summary: Satoshi handles it better. Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Someone That You’re With Characters: Kasanoda, Mori/Haruhi Prompt: 47. Song Fic Rating: PG Summary: He wants to be the someone that she’s with. Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Told You So Characters: Chika, Satoshi Prompt: 40. Crutches Rating: G Summary: Satoshi did something stupid, and Chika’s rubbing it in. Author's Notes: I own nothing.